Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nigerian Folk Tale Story - Why Dead People are buried

   This Nigerian a folk tale story is collected from “Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria”. This Nigerian folk tale story book is written by- Elphinstone Dayrell and it was published from Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, Bombay & Calcutta, in 1910.
nigerian folk tale story-why dead people are buried
Why dead people are buried

   Why Dead People are buried

   - A Nigerian Folk Tale Story

   In the beginning of the world when the Creator had made men and women and the animals, they all lived together in the creation land. 

   The Creator was a big chief, past all men, and being very kind-hearted. The creator was very sorry whenever any one died. So one day He sent for the dog, who was His head messenger. The creator told His dog to go out into the world and give His word to all people that for the future whenever any one died the body was to be placed in the compound, and wood ashes were to be thrown over it. That the dead body was to be left on the ground, and in twenty-four hours it would become alive again.

   When the dog had traveled for half a day he began to get tired. Then he was near an old woman's house and he looked in. the dog was saw a bone with some meat on it, he made a meal off it, and then went to sleep. The dog entirely forgot the message which had been given him to deliver.

   After a time, when the dog did not return, the Creator called for a sheep and He sent him out with the same message. But the sheep was a very foolish one and being hungry. The sheep was begun to eating the sweet grasses by the wayside.
   After a time, however, the sheep remembered that he had a message to deliver, but forgot what it was exactly the massage of the Creator. So as the sheep went about among the people he told them that the message, the Creator had given him to tell the people, was that whenever any one died they should be buried underneath the ground.

nigerian folk tale story-why dead people are buried
Why Dead People are buried

   A little time afterwards the dog remembered about the message which is given to him to deliver. so the dog ran into the town and told the people that they were to place wood ashes on the dead bodies and leave them in the compound, and that they would come to life again after twenty-four hours. 

   But the people would not believe the dog, and people said to him, "We have already received the word from the Creator by the sheep, that all dead bodies should be buried."

   In consequence of this the dead bodies are now always buried, and the dog is much disliked and not trusted as a messenger. If the dog had not found the bone in the old woman's house and forgotten his message from the Creator, the dead people might still be alive.

If you Want to read more Folk Tale Story...       Click Here

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