Friday, January 9, 2015

Funny jokes for little kids

Funny jokes for little kids

funny jokes for kids
Here are some funny question and its funny answer.

Q: What the three inventions help man up in the world?
A: The elevator, the ladder and the alarm clock.

Q: What has four legs and can't walk?
A: A table.

Q: Where do the Bees use the bathroom?
A: The BP station.

Q: What the same size and shape of an elephant and weighs nothing?

A: His shadow.
Q: What is the biggest mouse in the world?
A: Hippoptamouse.

Q: What do you get from nervous cows?
A: Milk shakes.

Q: What did the urchin say to the cactus?
A: Are you my mother?

Q: What do you give a dog for a fever?
A: Mustard, it’s the best thing for a hot dog.

Q: Who went into the bear’s cave and came out alive?
A: The bear.

Q: What do you call a baby whale?
A: A little squirt.

Q: What is bright orange and sounds like a parrot?
A: A carrot!

Q: What is black & white and eats like a horse?
A: A zebra!

Q: What has four legs & sees just as well from all four sides?
A: Horse with his eyes shut.

Q: What should you know if you want to be a lion tamer?
A: More then the lion.

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